Portfolio Guidelines

The portfolios on SFA are organized into two distinct categories based on the intended use of the work: technical and outreach. Below, you can find the criteria we use when evaluating whether or not to accept portfolios to SFA. Each portfolio on SFA must contain 8-10 pieces that adhere to these criteria.

When you submit a portfolio you’ll need to indicate which category you are applying into. You may also submit your portfolio to both categories, but this means you will have 8-10 works in each category (no overlap) and all will have to adhere to their respective criteria.

Technical Scientific Illustration 

  1. Your work should be anatomically accurate. That means it needs:

    • true-to-life proportionality,

    • realistic color, and

    • accurate scale.

  2. Artistic stylization should be limited. 

  3. Your work should be produced for formal, academic presentation. 

  4. Subject matter must be informed principally by observation.

Scientific Illustration for Outreach

  1. Your work should still be anatomically accurate, but engaging presentation is a higher priority. That means it still needs:

    • true-to-life proportionality,

    but there’s room for:

    • a bit of imagination elsewhere.

  2.  Artistic stylization is encouraged! However, your work should still:

    • adhere to good design principles,

    • follow proper lighting and relational conventions, and

    • maintain foundational scientific accuracy 

  3. Your work can be produced for more diverse audiences, including K-12 to the general public. Whatever the audience, its primary goal should always be to convey a scientifically-informed idea. Often, works in this category are educational.

  4. Subject matter can be imaginative, but please avoid fantasy.